User Agreement, Policy and Privacy Statement for We The People Forum


Please enter who invited you in the upcoming registration page if you were invited by another member.
(OR... You can write me if you heard about us and want to come join us at )

Come join us!

This forum has always tried to be an island of CIVIL discourse!
There are plenty of places to be nasty to others out there, but this is not one of them.

We ARE a conservative forum. Trolls (paid or free lance) and trouble makers are NOT welcome and aren't allowed in here!

We still allow posting of FULL articles here for education purposes. All we ask is to put a link back to the article at the bottom.
We've made that as easy as copy and paste (no codes needed)...

That is the policy and the basic concept of our forum!
Clicking the agree button means you understand.


You HAVE to have a valid email address and complete the email check to be ABLE to REGISTER, LOG IN, POST, and for your info to remain in our DB.

If you are having trouble registering (don't forget to answer the EASY question that foils the robots) or trying to log back in as a dormant "vintage" member, or just talk in private; drop me a line at:

Remember to check your spam folder in your email for our stuff if you're having trouble getting the emails.

As for privacy, we don't share anything to anybody, period.

We have a nice place to post and visit. If you want that as well, come on in. You are welcome!

See you soon;

PS: We don't do "thons" or fund raisers here, ever!
Our expenses are very low (by design) and we share that freedom.
There is a donate button for occasional help at the bottom of the sidebar on the left (IF you feel the place is of some value), but a little goes a long way!
We will never ask...

We're just a bunch of home grown political junkies who demand honesty and respect for each other." - HappyG.Lucky 10/8/2005

If you have any questions about this privacy statement or the use of these forums, you can contact the forum administrator at:

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